Transportation has conquered the vastness of the land and brought together people living thousands of kilometers apart. 交通运输已经克服了土地的幅员辽阔,相隔千里的人因此仿佛毗邻而居。
69. Why are an increasing number of elderly Chinese parents living apart from their children? One reason is the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation. 为什么越来越多的中国老人不和他们的孩子住在一起?原因之一是年轻一代的上进心增强了。
Model: Communication Technologies not only have great effects on the relations living apart but also have changed the way people befriend. 大意:通讯技术不但对身处异地的亲朋好友之间有着巨大的影响,而且也在很大程度上改变了人们结识新朋友的方式。
Traditionally, those living apart from their parents return home during the festival period. 传统上,这些远离父母的人在春节期间回家。
A spokesman for Brin and Wojcicki told Forbes that the two have been living apart for several months but remain good friends and partners. 布林和沃西基的一位发言人告诉福布斯:两人已经分居数月但仍然保持着良好的朋友和伙伴关系。
To encourage this, China's newly revised law on the elderly's rights says that from July 1 this year, people living apart from elderly parents should visit them often and employers should guarantee their rights and opportunities to do so. 为了鼓励这种传统,中国新修订的关于老年人的权益法律表示从今年7月1日起,远离年迈父母的人应该经常探望他们,雇主应该保证他们这样做的权利和机会。
Yet the teenager who spent the war living apart from his parents under a false name found the danger exhilarating. 但是,这位在战争中同父母分居并用假身份生活的年轻人发现,战争的威胁非常刺激。
The statement, issued by a spokesman for Schwarzenegger, said the two were working on the future of their relationship while living apart and would continue to parent their four children together. 这份声明由施瓦辛格的一位发言人发布,其中写道,两人在分居期间将安排好将来的关系,并继续共同抚养4名子女。
At this time, we are living apart while we work on the future of our relationship. 目前,我们不住在一起,而我们的关系留待日后处理。
We're living apart now. 我们现在不住在一起。
Even when a split is amicable, living apart under the same roof is not straightforward. 即使在友好分手后,生活在同一屋檐下也并非易事。
It would involve living apart from my family. 那必然会导致我和家人的分居。
I'm living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart. 由于我的生活远远超乎收入,因此可以说,我与收入是处于分居状态的。
Living Apart Together ( LAT) is a term for couples who, while committed to each other, decide to have separate homes rather than one shared residence. “分开同居”指一对情侣保持固定的情感关系但却不住在一起。
Since jane's been living apart from her husband, she finds she can manage for most things perfectly well on her own. 虽然珍妮一直和丈夫分居,但她发现她完全可以自己来应付大部分事情。
He consented to her living apart in the house. 他允许她在这所房子里和他分居。
To live in union with Christ means that in our living we are not apart from Christ. 与基督联合而生活,意思是在我们的生活中,我们不与基督分开。
Why are increasing numbers of the old people living apart from their children? 为什么越来越多的老人和他们的于女分开住呢?
If living apart from your sponsor, a statement explaining why this is a temporary arrangement and provide evidence of ongoing contact. 如和担保人分开居住,请提出书面说明,并附上双方持续联系之证明。
After Jane had been living apart from John for seven months, she decided to return to him. 简和约翰分居了6个月后决定回到他的身边。
Jo and Sam decided to try living apart for a while. 乔与萨姆决定试着分开住一阵子。
Aitken and his wife have been living apart. 艾特肯和妻子一直分居。
Maybe tomorrow we will be living far apart in the world. 也许明天我们将生活在世界的不同角落。
Kelly: That is not likely, We were living half a world apart. I know I. 不太可能,我们生活在地球的两边。我知道我们没见过。
Urbanization and minority living apart from one another are the two aspects of social development which are interacted and influence each other. 城市化与民族散居化是人类社会发展的两种主要表现形式,这两个方面相互作用,相互促进。
For Mr Zhao and his wife, 20 years of living apart is a price worth paying, if their children do not have to do the same. 对赵平化和他的妻子来说,只要孩子们将来不用像他们一样为了生计四处奔波,20多年的辛勤付出十分值得。
Sharing the Wealth and Living apart: the Basic Formation of Social Life for Powerful Clans in the East and West Han Dynasties 分财异居:两汉豪族之家社会生活的基本形态
The current marriage law in China only takes living apart as one of the legal reasons to make divorce sentence and there is no related regulations about the separation system. 我国现行的婚姻法只将分居作为判决离婚的法定理由之一,对别居制度的内容没有相关的规定。
The reasons of living apart and the relationship between living apart and divorce, which can be combined by legal reasons and fact reasons, and paralleled by living_apart system and divorce system; 分居理由及分居与离婚的关系可法定理由与事实理由相结合及分居制度与离婚制度相并列;
As residence form erects the core position inside a family, thus, whether the young couple living apart or not could be transcended with a variety of transitional forms of family structure. 因为居住形态在家庭中属于核心地位,因而根据年轻夫妻是否处于分开居住而又有了家庭结构的各种过渡形式。